Summary of the Annual General Meeting held on 1 August 2013 at Sandy Park Conference Centre, Sandy Park, Exeter Devon
The Directors are pleased to announce that the shareholders of Pennon Group Plc at the Company's Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 1 August 2013 passed all the resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 25 June 2013.
The following table summarises the proxy votes received from shareholders prior to the meeting. The highest percentage of the issued share capital voted was approximately 63.79%. Votes withheld are not votes in law and have not been counted in the calculation of the votes.
Resolution 1: To receive and adopt for the year ended 31 March 2013 the financial statements, the Directors' Report and the report of the independent auditors on the financial statements. For 229,433,275
Against 3,461,851
Discretion 620,708
Withheld 77,957
Resolution 2: To declare a final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2013 of 19.70p for each ordinary share of nominal value 40.7p for payment on 4 October 2013. For 232,338,228
Against 573,455
Discretion 611,975
Withheld 70,133
Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' remuneration report for the year ended 31 March 2013. For 227,613,968
Against 3,732,980
Discretion 624,118
Withheld 1,622,724
Resolution 4: To re-elect Mr K G Harvey as a Director. For 229,129,273
Against 3,559,206
Discretion 631,587
Withheld 273,724
Resolution 5: To re-elect Mr M D Angle as a Director. For 220,645,517
Against 12,181,291
Discretion 638,190
Withheld 128,799
Resolution 6: To re-elect Mr G D Connell as a Director. For 208,554,326
Against 21,904,762
Discretion 638,945
Withheld 2,495,757
Resolution 7: To re-elect Mr C I J H Drummond as a Director. For 230,759,288
Against 1,923,375
Discretion 640,408
Withheld 270,720
Resolution 8: To re-elect Mr D J Dupont as a Director. For 231,262,427
Against 1,570,983
Discretion 638,205
Withheld 122,176
Resolution 9: To re-elect Mr C Loughlin as a Director. For 231,324,046
Against 1,358,726
Discretion 640,230
Withheld 270,789
Resolution 10: To elect Ms G A Rider as a Director. For 227,881,676
Against 4,913,238
Discretion 671,344
Withheld 127,532
Resolution 11: To reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of the Company. For 197,747,463
Against 30,793,311
Discretion 647,194
Withheld 4,405,822
Resolution 12: To authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors. For 118,320,504
Against 92,693,978
Discretion 655,655
Withheld 21,923,653
Resolution 13: To authorise the Company and its subsidiaries to make political donations (precautionary authority). For 230,756,581
Against 1,831,337
Discretion 628,878
Withheld 376,995
Resolution 14: To grant to Directors authority to allot shares. For 228,111,844
Against 2,665,122
Discretion 648,900
Withheld 2,167,924
Resolution 15: To authorise the partial exclusion of the statutory pre-emption rights. For 232,225,286
Against 405,052
Discretion 650,364
Withheld 313,089
Resolution 16: To authorise the market purchase of the Company's shares. For 231,840,931
Against 1,010,644
Discretion 639,138
Withheld 103,078
Resolution 17: To authorise a general meeting other than an Annual General Meeting to be called on 14 days' notice. For 223,280,797
Against 9,569,791
Discretion 652,344
Withheld 90,859
Two copies of all the resolutions passed by the Company, other than resolutions concerning ordinary business, will be submitted and made available for inspection from the National Storage Mechanism at