Summary of the Annual General Meeting held on 30 July 2015 at Exeter Golf and Country Club, Exeter, EX2 7AE
The Directors are pleased to announce that the shareholders of Pennon Group Plc at the Company’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 30 July 2015 passed all the resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 22 June 2015.
The following table summarises the proxy votes received from shareholders prior to the meeting. The highest percentage of the issued share capital voted was approximately 72.32%. Votes withheld are not votes in law and have not been counted in the calculation of the votes.
Resolution 1: To receive and adopt the Directors' Report and the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2015, together with report of the auditor.
For: 297,321,744
Against: 21,930
Discretion: 586,978
Withheld: 30,809
Resolution 2: To declare a final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2015 of 21.82p for each ordinary share of nominal value 40.7p for payment on 2 October 2015.
For: 297,377,691
Against: 8,874
Discretion: 571,824
Withheld: 3,072
Resolution 3: To approve the Annual report on remuneration for the financial year 2014/15.
For: 273,336,559
Against: 4,855,400
Discretion: 578,720
Withheld: 19,190,782
Resolution 4: To elect Sir John Parker as a Director.
For: 273,379,043
Against: 4,539,094
Discretion: 585,278
Withheld: 19,458,045
Resolution 5: To re-elect Mr M D Angle as a Director.
For: 296,360,808
Against: 953,723
Discretion: 585,041
Withheld: 61,889
Resolution 6: To elect Mr N Cooper as a Director.
For: 294,314,224
Against: 1,280,707
Discretion: 594,057
Withheld: 1,772,472
Resolution 7: To elect Mrs S J Davy as a Director.
For: 296,305,668
Against: 990,406
Discretion: 587,846
Withheld: 77,541
Resolution 8: To re-elect Mr C Loughlin as a Director.
For: 296,351,563
Against: 970,152
Discretion: 586,670
Withheld: 53,076
Resolution 9: To re-elect Mr I J McAulay as a Director.
For: 296,333,049
Against: 977,669
Discretion: 589,044
Withheld: 61,699
Resolution 10: To re-elect Ms G Rider as a Director.
For: 296,336,460
Against: 968,767
Discretion: 599,911
Withheld: 56,323
Resolution 11: TTo re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP as auditor of the Company.
For: 296,684,662
Against: 631,068
Discretion: 585,718
Withheld: 60,013
Resolution 12: To authorise the Audit Committee to determine the remuneration of the auditor on behalf of the Board.
For: 296,680,669
Against: 92,131
Discretion: 1,136,238
Withheld: 52,423
Resolution 13: To authorise the Company and its subsidiaries to make political donations up to a specific limit.
For: 294,037,977
Against: 3,027,266
Discretion: 636,237
Withheld: 259,981
Resolution 14: To grant to Directors authority to allot shares.
For: 272,654,175
Against: 23,007,908
Discretion: 642,814
Withheld: 1,656,564
Resolution 15: To authorise the disapplication of pre-emption rights.
For: 268,237,948
Against: 28,756,701
Discretion: 650,336
Withheld: 316,475
Resolution 16: To authorise the market purchase of the Company’s own shares.
For: 297,138,678
Against: 139,341
Discretion: 629,730
Withheld: 53,712
Resolution 17: To authorise a general meeting other than an Annual General Meeting to be called on 14 clear days’ notice.
For: 282,925,299
Against: 14,286,537
Discretion: 644,637
Withheld: 99,737
Two copies of all the resolutions passed by the Company, other than resolutions concerning ordinary business, will be submitted and made available for inspection from the National Storage Mechanism at
31 July 2015