Directorate Change

19 Sep 2013

Further to the announcement on 5 August 2013 of the appointment of Ian McAulay as the successor to Colin Drummond as an Executive Director of the Pennon Group Board and Chief Executive of Viridor Limited with effect from 9 September 2013 Pennon Group now confirms that Colin Drummond will retire as an Executive Director of the Pennon Group Board on 30 September 2013.

As previously announced Colin will succeed Ken Harvey as the Non-executive Chairman of Viridor.  This will be effective from 1 October 2013.  Ken will continue in his role as Non-executive Chairman of the Pennon Group Board and also of the South West Water Board.


For further information please contact:

Jo Finely, Pennon Group Investor Relations Manager, on 01392 443401

For press enquiries: Sarah Heald, RLM Finsbury, on 020 7251 3801