Interim Management Statement

12 Aug 2008

Pennon Group Plc today reports that trading since 31 March 2008 has been in line with management expectations.

South West Water is now in the fourth year of the K4 period (2005 - 2010) and remains on target to meet the current regulatory contract.  As part of the K5 planning process the company published its Draft Business Plan yesterday.   A public domain version can be found on the Pennon website, ; (the Plan can be found under 'Our core businesses / South West Water / Regulation / PR09'). 

As outlined at our Preliminary Results in June, Viridor remains confident of delivering continued full year growth in operating profit before intangibles.  Financial performance to date has been consistent with that statement.

It was with deep regret that we reported in July the death of Kate Mortimer, a Non-Executive Director. The process for the recruitment of a new Non-Executive Director to replace Kate is underway.

Further information on Pennon, South West Water and Viridor can be found on the Group's website,

Pennon intends to announce its Half Year Results on Thursday, 27 November 2008.

For further information, please contact:

David Dupont - Group Director of Finance
01392 443998

Mark Harris 
Sally Hogan
0207 251 3801