Waste is generated by our business as a result of our operational activities, in particular sludge (biosolids) arising from the wastewater treatment process. We also encounter hazardous wastes including laboratory waste, waste from maintenance activities, waste electrical and electronic equipment, and surplus treatment chemicals. More reading on hazardous waste can be found under Hazardous Waste Tab.
We work with our key engineering contractors and partners to responsibly manage onsite environmental impacts and minimise resource use whilst maximising recycling and recovery of waste arisings. Environmental Management plans form part of our Construction Phase Plan supported Site Waste management Plans.
Examples of effective industrial ecology with our contractors includes re-use of construction and demolition waste in new construction projects as illustrated as below;
- Reducing waste to landfill through innovative foundation design and the designing of prefabricated pipework to minimise cutting and waste on site.
- Surplus excavated material being used to re-landscape sites, including the utilisation of surplus material in the development of a wildflower meadow.
- Improving and repairing field access and tracks for landowners after projects have concluded utilising site generated and surplus materials.
- Surplus concrete was used to construct a bench base for a local parish council
- Segregation of waste for re-purposing and / or recycling. For example, brick and concrete material can be re-used to construct haul roads and sand from filters is tested and re-used during construction into the permanent works (bedding for ducting etc.)
- The promotion of “off-site builds” which maximise efficiency whilst reducing waste and reducing health & safety risks.
- Sustainable procurement, such as the use of Concrete with high GGBS or PFA content (waste product from coal power stations) and the use of recycled aggregates within concrete.
- Reinforcement and piles containing up to 100% recycled steel content while out ductile iron pipework contains >80% recycled material content
We have been working hard with our waste contractors over recent years to better understand our waste arisings from our engineering and construction activities. Our most recent year’s data can be found in our ESG Databook.